Sunday, January 20, 2008

Seeing is believing... and disgusting!

Dogs have these nasty things called anal glands on the side of their rear end which apparently secretes their "scent." A few months ago, we accidentally "expressed" one of these while giving Coco a bath and then learned that expressing the sacs is a very common practice with pets.

Anyway, a number of blogs talk about their dogs scootching their butts on the carpet when the sacs get too full and need to be expressed. You might have even seen a commercial on TV for carpet cleaner that featured a dog sitting down and sliding across the carpet.

Today, we got a firsthand experience from Sadie. We had never seen Coco do it before, but Sadie was sitting on the carpet and then suddenly scootched herself forward about 3 feet!!! Our poor carpet!! Hopefully nothing came out, but I hope that whatever is in there didn't / doesn't come out on our carpet. O.o. I hope we can get her to a groomer this week so that they can take care of it for us :)

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