Friday, September 7, 2007

A New Toy: The Carrot

Coco has been teething quite a bit lately. We can see the adult teeth coming in and trying to take over the spot of the baby tooth. Some of Coco's baby teeth are still firmly in her mouth and aren't even the least bit loose. In an effort to help her get rid of her baby teeth we've been giving her hard things to gnaw on.

Yesterday I gave her a carrot to see if she was receptive to it. Previously I had given it to her and she hadn't shown any interest in it. Yesterday, however, she decided that a carrot was the best vegetable on earth and attacked it. She spent an hour gnawing and chewing on it until she finished the entire carrot. She got upset whenever I'd interrupt her carrot feasting and would always go back to it. When I walked into another room, she'd regretfully pause her carrot eating and trot to where I was to see what I was doing. When I returned to the family room, she gleefully raced back to her carrot and resumed munching.

I'm happy to report that Coco has learned how tasty the carrot can be. It is a win-win situation. She gets something to occupy her time, gets something to eat, and chews on something which will help loosen her baby teeth.