Sunday, February 17, 2008

Homemade Ear Cleaner

Coco had what smelled like an infection in her ear. Normally we are very good about cleaning her ears but this time around her ear smelled funny. It started to smell like there was some kind of bacteria growing in there (kind of like cheese.) I did some research online and there is a homemade ear cleaner solution that many people love and swear by. I figure that I'd give it a try and if it didn't immediately start showing positive signs, I'd go to the vet.

It turns out the ear cleaner worked! The next day Coco's ears started to smell better. In fact a few days of using it and the weird cheese smell went away. I love this ear cleaner and am a true believer in it.

Ear Cleaner
3 oz isopropyl alcohol
1/4 T boric acid powder
1 oz white vinegar
1/4 t generic Betadine antiseptic

In a bottle mix the isopropyl alcohol and the boric acid powder together. Shake it well. Add the white vinegar and Betadine antiseptic. Shake well to combine.

Pour this solution in each ear and let rest there for 1 min per ear. Let your dog shake it out aftewards.

Continue daily treatment with the ear cleaning solution until the problem has gone away. If it doesn't seem to make the infection go away, contact your vet immediately.

I had to buy all the ingredients at Rite Aid. I found that neither Walgreens nor Longs carried the boric acid powder in stock and it had to be special ordered. Another place you can buy the boric acid is from any hardware store (Ace, OSH, etc.)

1 comment:

Shazz said...

Nice Post.
I own a Maltese. I will try this.